Sunday, November 13, 2011

Well it's been forever..

It's been a busy, tough, frustrating. long last 2 months.  So I'm moving on from there.

As you all already know, yesterday was 11/11/11.  In Korea every year on 11/11, they celebrate 'Pepero Day.'  On 'Pepero Day', Koreans give pepero to all their loved ones, including family, friends, teachers, etc.  Pepero are skinny breadstick/cookie things that have one end dipped in chocolate (I'll have to post a picture on here when I find my camera).  They actually are quite good.  It was a fun day at school.  I got a bunch of pepero from my students, and then we ate A TON in class.  All my students were bouncing off the walls.  It was a good and fun day!!!

I'll be home in 6 weeks, and I can't believe it.  I hope all is going well for you back home in the States.

It's ALL About Him,


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