Sunday, September 18, 2011


I am currently sitting at Starbucks frantically flipping through pages and pages of law school information and frantically clicking through the 12 tabs I have on my browser trying to make some decision about where to apply to law school.  And I realize that I am just that...frantic.  Let me place you in my shoes just for a minute.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are currently living about 6,000 miles from home.  While you are there, someone tells you that you need to try to decide where exactly you are going to live for at least the next 3-4 years if not the next 5-10 years when you return home.  Then they tell you that you can only choose 10-12 cities in the entire United States...and one of those cities is where you must spend the next couple years of your life.  Do you feel the panic begin to set in?  Increased heart rate...shortened breath...sweaty palms.  This is where I find myself.

As thrilling and exciting as applying to law school and picturing my future can be at times, it is equally nerve racking and stressful.  I've been pouring over the top 100 law schools for at least 6 weeks...comparing strength of programs and national mobility and tuition and median scholarship grants and cities and teacher:student ratio and application fees and first time bar passage percentages and 9 month after graduation employment rates and likelihood of acceptance.  And I still sit here with a list of 50+ schools...which is unfortunate since I don't have $4000 just lying around to put towards application fees for all of these schools.  While schools have officially started accepting applications, I don't even have a final list of schools that I'm going to apply to.  So yeah...that's where I'm at right now.

I hope you all enjoyed the Fall Festival and the parade.  Wish I could have been there this weekend for that.  I pray that this Sunday finds you well.

It's ALL About Him,


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