Thursday, July 14, 2011

Forecast: Rain, Rain, and some more Rain

It is monsoon season in Seoul, which means 1 thing.  Rain...lots and lots and lots of rain.  For all of my life, my least favorite season has been winter.  I hate the cold and having to bundle up and unbundle every time you leave or enter a place and not being able to play outside for more than a few minutes and scraping ice off of your windshield.  I especially disliked winter in Korea with people using their umbrellas while it snowed and unplowed/unshoveled sidewalks and roads and a general lack of holiday cheer.  But I've decided that my new least favorite season is summer in Korea.  Because summer in Korea means monsoon season.  And monsoon season, as I stated previously, means rain and rain and rain.  Of the last 30 days, it has rained in Seoul 27 days.  Everyday when I have woken up to try to get a run in for the last month, it has been raining.  Most days when I go to lunch, it is raining.  And usually when I leave work at night and walk home, it is raining.  As I sit in my apartment typing this, it is raining.  And when it rains here, it isn't just a light drizzle or a short burst of rain and then clear skies.  It is torrential downpour for hours upon hours.  I'm not sure how the entire city hasn't flooded.  I feel like I live in a rain forest or that I should be boarding an ark full of animals soon.  I didn't have any idea that it could rain this much in one place.

Luckily, tonight at a staff dinner, my boss said monsoon season ends on Saturday.  And then there is a possibility that we might have a typhoon, which would mean rain for a bit longer.  But fingers crossed that the typhoon veers towards Japan and leaves Korea alone.  Because if so, my boss said that starting next Tuesday we will have some traditional Midwest summer, sunny and humid.  I couldn't be more excited!

Here's to struggling through a couple more of these depressing, dark, gloomy, rainy days and getting to the sunshine on the other side.  I hope the weather back home is being more amicable than the weather here is.

Love you and miss you all!!!

It's ALL About Him,


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