Thursday, July 7, 2011

Another day in Seoul

I'm not sure what I feel today.  Another good friend/co-worker left last Thursday to return to the States, and I think I've been in some sort of funk since.  It is really hard to get used to the constant stream of people coming in and out of your life here.  Everyone here starts their teaching contract at a different time of the year, so it seems like people are almost constantly leaving and new people are arriving all the time.  It's a difficult transition from life back home where you may make some new friends and have a couple friends move away over the years, but for the most part, you are surrounded by your same network of people, the same friends and family.  Luckily, I've never had much trouble making new friends or getting to know people.  But continuously meeting new people and attempting to form some sort of lasting bond/friendship is utterly exhausting.  It feels like just as I start getting comfortable with a person and he/she with me, that person leaves the country.  And then we're back to square one getting to know another person.  And since I now find myself on the downward slope with less than half of my contract left, some days it almost feels pointless putting out all the effort for a friendship that would last at most only 5 and a half more months.  It's just weird. I can't even explain all the different emotions, except to say I'm not sure how I feel.  I do know that I'm fortunate to have one friend in my office who came only about 6 weeks before me and with whom I have become quite good friends.  I would probably lose it if he were leaving soon.

I miss you, all my friends and family back in the States.  I think about you daily and am quietly wishing for winter to return (even though I do so desperately hate the cold) so that I can come home and spend the winter holidays with you.  I hope you had a fabulous 4th of July and that your summer has been and will continue to be splendid.  Well, I have an apple pie in the oven that I believe needs to come out.

It's ALL About Him,


1 comment:

  1. Hey, Kendall-girl, It has to be extremely hard to make those connections with the new people. I remember when you started back in Dec. and no one really seemed to reach out to you. I couldn't understand that but now it makes more sense. What you're feeling is probably the same thing that they were feeling. I know it's hard but try to be there for them. You've learned the ropes now and KNOW how hard it all is and they're just beginning. You've seemed so down lately that it's made me very sad. I'll be praying extra hard for you. We love you and I'm anxiously awaiting for all the good things that will come from your time abroad. God has a purpose and plan. Just keep asking Him to help you endure and to share that plan with you. I'll be doing the same. Love you!!
