Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas (although it's actually the day after here in Seoul)!

I need to apologize to you all!  It is safe to say that I have really slacked on my blogging obligations as of late.  So for those of you who have been holding your breath to see what I've been up to since the last blog (I know there are some of you out there), I am truly sorry.  This blog will probably be quite long as I haven't blogged for days and days so if you get bored after a paragraph, don't feel pressured into finishing up this post.  No hard feelings...promise!

I moved into my apartment after work on Thursday.  (I'll post pics of my new place as well as the guesthouse soon).  And as thrilled as I am to be in my own place and to not have to deal with shenanigans at all times of the night, honestly it is a little lonely.  None of the other teachers live in the same complex as me; so from the time I leave the school until I go back the next day, I'm pretty much by myself.  It's not all bad.  I'm sure that once I really get settled in Seoul I will want a place to escape from everything to.  I just don't know many people here yet and going home every night to my own apartment alone is a reminder of that.  Don't worry though.  My task for the next month is to make so many connections and get to know so many people that when I'm outside of school I don't have a single moment to myself.  Then I'm sure I'll be blogging about how I never have any time to myself...the grass is always greener.

I taught solo on Thursday and Friday, and it went pretty well.  I had a student puke all over my classroom on Thursday morning, so that was quite 'exciting.'  Friday was our Christmas party.  It was pretty chaotic, and no real instruction took place.  But it was fun to see how excited my Kindergarten kids (from hereon referred to as K kids) were about Christmas.  It made me a little jealous that they would be spending the holiday with their families and loved ones while I would not.

Yesterday was Christmas, and I didn't quite know what I was going to do.  Next week, my school is on vacation so most of the teachers left Friday and are off traveling somewhere exotic.  After much debating, I decided I would go to a combined Christmas service of all the English speaking ministries in the greater Seoul area.  It actually ended up being really cool.  There were like 1500+ people at the service from all around the world, and it was a great reminder of all my Savior has done for me, starting with birth in a lowly, disgusting pigsty to insignificant parents.  I had big plans yesterday to try to find a store called Emart, which is kinda Korea's Wal-mart.  But by the time the service was over, I just wanted to get home and get something to eat.  That adventure will have to wait for another day.

Today I am going to attempt to go to another church.  Last night at the Christmas service, I received a list of all the English ministries in Seoul so I've decided to continue looking for a place that I fit in where I can truly feel God.  The transit to the church today is a 5 minute bus ride, a 5 minute subway ride, a subway transfer, a 20 minute subway ride, and a 10 minute walk.  I feel fairly confident.  The longer I am here, the more comfortable I become in the daily activities of life, i.e. taking public transportation, ordering food, crossing the scary, deadly streets, etc.

I miss you all terribly...more than I thought possible.  Please, please, please keep me in your prayers as I try to find my place in Seoul and in God's plan for me.

Hugs and Kisses across the Pacific,


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