Friday, December 31, 2010

Can you say jjimjilbang???

Today I went to the jjimjilbang (Korean bathhouse/spa) with one of the teachers at my school, Lauren.  She had previously told me how much she enjoyed going when she first came to Korea, and I told her that I had really been looking forward to going.  So we made a date to meet and go today.  The jjimjilbang we went to is called Dragon Hill, and I think it's pretty well-known.  It was nice and totally relaxing and all around a good day.  For those of you who may not know what a jjimjilbang is, let me explain.

A jjimjilbang is the traditional Korean bathhouse.  There are 2 distinct areas in each jjimjilbang; there is the co-ed section and then the sex-segregated section.  So you get to the jjimjilbang, go in to a locker room area (separated by sex) and change into this matching little shirt and short combo that you receive upon entering.  Once in your matching, cult-like uniforms, you go to the co-ed area.  The co-ed area has an area with tvs to watch/hang out, a snack bar area, a pc room, and various cold, warm, and hot sauna rooms.  After you get your fill of this area, you go back to the locker room area and COMPLETELY strip down to your birthday suit.  Upon reaching full nudity, you head to the appropriate sex-separated area (which is only accessible from the correct locker room so you can't wander around lost or anything).  Once in this area, you must shower off to make sure all make-up/lotion/hair product is removed.  Then you are allowed to enter the various pools/baths ranging in size and temperature and water infusions.  You bum around doing that for as long as you want, and then it is back to the locker to dry off, get dressed, and head on your merry way to whatever you have planned next.  I had previously been to a jjimjilbang outside of DC, courtesy of Ms. Pamara Chang, so I knew what to expect.  Lauren and I had hours and hours to talk about anything and everything.  I was totally in relaxation mode.  It was something fun and out of the ordinary that you can't really do in the States.  And I absolutely LOVED going today!!!  Some of you maybe be gasping and rolling your eyes, but you really can't knock it til you try it.  Once a person is able to get over the phobia of being naked, it is actually quite enjoyable.

After the jjimjilbang, Lauren and I grabbed some dolsot bibimbap.  And then we decided to head towards Hongdae (the neighborhood around Hongik University that is known for being lively and artsy and college-y, all around pretty cool) so that Lauren could show me one of her favorite cafes, Television 12.  At Television 12, we drank some coffee and did some more talking and then took a short walk around Hongdae and headed home. 

It's like primetime for New Year's Eve in Seoul right now; almost 10:30pm.  However, I've decided to invite 2011 in with a nice relaxing night at my apartment watching some of my favorite tv episodes while drinking a glass or 2 of tea.  How tranquil and nice!

It will be the year 2011 the next time you hear from me.  So I wish you all a very Happy New Year, in which your passions will be discovered, your paths will be laid out before you, your love will be poured out upon everyone you meet, and your life will be lived to the fullest without worry, fear or regret.  How great is our God for blessing us all with another day and another year of life!

It is truly ALL about Him,


1 comment:

  1. Nothing like being naked in front of those Koreans-possibly the worst and best time of my life:) Although the hottest room did make my nose feel like it was on fire!!!! HAHA! Good times:)--Kels
