Monday, February 21, 2011

I Need a 25th Hour!

Today was long and chaotic and exhausting.  This week is the last week of classes for the current school year.  As I may have mentioned earlier, school starts in Korea in March.  So next week, we are beginning our new school year; some kids are graduating and new ones are coming in.  I'm staying with my same students, which has some pros but also some cons.  One of the good things about staying with my same kids is that they're, for the most part, already accustomed to the way things operate at my school.  So I won't have to go through months of trying to get kids sitting nicely and learning our rules and expectations.  Regardless, already this week has been crazy busy, and I can see it will only continue to be. 

I am expected to finish up all the books and journals we use in class this week and send them all home along with all the papers that the children have done for the year.  One of the annoying things at my school is that I can't send a workbook home with students until all the students in my class have fully completed it.  It's a nice idea in theory, but I have a student who rarely comes and a couple more who work slower than snails.  And if a child is ever absent, he/she falls behind.  So it's just a big nightmare.  I have several students who are completely done with all the books we use in class.  Meanwhile I have other students who still have half a book left.  So I'm desperately trying to use every extra minute to get my students to finish their work.  It's a real pain!  So that's work right now.  It will all settle back down in about 2 weeks or so.  And I can't wait for the normal chaos, anxiety and stress of the normal work week.

I had the opportunity to go grab some Mexican for lunch yesterday after church with some of the young adults at my church.  It was a lot of fun.  I got to know some of the young adults better, and I'm really feeling blessed to have met these people.  I can't believe how lucky I have been to get plugged into such a great, fun, hilarious crowd of young believers.  So praise God for that!  I wish there were more Sundays in a week...haha.

That's about it for now.  I'm sure I'll have more to fill you in on as we transition into our new school year.

Lots of love from halfway around the world,



  1. How does Mexican food in Seoul compare to Mexican food in Marshall? Do they use different ingredients, such as those I've heard that McDonalds uses in Asian countries? Good luck, and get as much sleep as you can these next two weeks.

  2. Just found you. So fun to read about your South Korean shenanigans!!!

    Love you much!!!!


  3. Candy,
    The Mexican was delicious! I don't know what was in it but I ate it all up.

    I'm glad you found me! Give all those little boys and Tim a hug for me!

