Saturday, January 15, 2011

4D...Say What???

You heard me right...4D!  By now we've all at least heard of, if not experienced, 3-D movie theaters.  You go in, put on some funky glasses, and it kinda looks like stuff is jumping off the screen at you.  Well earlier this week, I had the pleasure of going to see Tron Legacy in 4-D; yes 4-D, Kelsey!!! 

Sometime last week, one of my co-workers had expressed interest in going to see the movie Tron Legacy at some special theater.  I wasn't really listening very closely as I had a million other things going on, but somewhat agreed to go.  At the beginning of the week, he brought it up again, and a group of us from work decided we'd go see the movie together.  Upon actually entering the theater and finding our seats (seats are assigned in Korean theaters), I understood what he was talking about when he said at a special was a 4-D theater. 

Some of you may be asking, what the heck is 4-D?  Let me tell you.  4-D is 3-D with the extra dimension of a moving/interactive seat.  So as the motorcycles were racing in the movie Tron Legacy, the seats were tilting back and forth while wind blew through my hair, making it seem as though I was really on a motorcycle.  Can you say amazingly cool?  It was an absolute blast.  After the movie, my co-workers and I unanimously decided that any and every movie would be better if seen in 4-D because it's a movie AND a ride.  Even though the dialogue was awful, and Tron Legacy as a whole really stunk terribly, we all had a blast watching it in 4-D and would even suffer through the terrible dialogue, etc. to "ride the 4-D Tron Legacy ride" again.  That's really the only "fun" thing I did this week.  The rest of the week was just working.

Tomorrow, I am going with a co-worker in the early afternoon to check out some free Korean lessons.  I've been dying to take Korean lessons since I got here, and she got a tip from someone she knows that we might be able to take some for pretty much free.  So tomorrow we are gonna go check it out and see what it's really all about.  I hope it works out.  But if not, I intend to take Korean lessons at one of the universities close to me when the new semester starts up in March.  After doing that, I am heading over to my friend, Lauren's, house.  She is cooking some gourmet food for me and a couple of her friends, so we're all heading over around dinner to do some eating and chatting and probably a little wine drinking.  I'm pretty stoked to meet some of her friends that I've heard so much about but haven't had the opportunity to meet yet.  That's about all I've got planned so far.

Love you all and miss you terribly,



  1. 4-D?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Oh my gosh!! That's it I'm packing and moving to Korea as I write this-that's so awesome:) We'll definitely have to do that when I come for a visit!! Love ya-Kels

  2. Tron Legacy was a very good movie! If you haven't see the original, it would be hard to appreciate the new one....
